I have a two year old dog, a Miniature Pinscher, named Brownie, who is one of the most important "people" in my life... Although I’m working at the moment and not home much, I think about him everyday and cannot wait for those moments when I open my door and he jumps up to greet me...
He is also a very good companion for both my parents... His notti actions like following around, trying to have a fight with a cat, running wild whenever he has got the chance and some intelligent acts will just entertain evryone... I feel that he just knows everyone loves him and he loves us too.
Sometimes he'll curl up in my dad's lap and accompany him reading newspaper or just be sleeping beside my dad when he's taking an afternoon nap... and that made me thought of how sweet he is....
Without my notti boi, I believe that my parents would be feeling more lonely without my sisters n I being around in the house.. I love my notti boi xD...
Dogs make good companions.Thats why they are known as man's best friend. Studies have shown that dogs as companions for the elderly, help the latter increase their life expextancy.
ur notti boi loves u too haha. go give that doggy a hug!
Notti boi... a good match for Brutal Gamer Grrl.
anonymous : he's doin a good job keeping my parents accompanied
merv : i always hug him whenever i'm back in my hometown
darrenz : -_-
v0ices : tq tq
I would want to have a Cairns Terrier/Golden Retriever/Beagle; but my housemate doesn't like dogs. He threatened to kick the poor little poopy out the balcony if he ever sees one when he comes back from work. :(
darryl : wow ur hsemate is a dog hater LoL.. well i dun hv mine with me atm.. he's in my hometown...
... which coincidentally is also my hometown. :)
I have never had a dog before; well... Mum had one, which died after being poisoned by some thief who tried to break in to our house. Fifi used to guard me when Mum puts me out in the garden for my daily dose of Vitamin C, when I was a baby.
darryl : :/ soree to hear that.. but mebbe u can hv ur own nxt time xD
Yes, and don't you work at all? Or is it true that all people in the IT industry can MSN while they work? :) All my friends working in IT companies are able to online.
darryl : haha working now lo.. ya can get online all the time but can't use chat apps :)
Great then. Emailing wouldn't get you in hot soup, would it?
You have mine (accessible from my website). Let the careless whispers come in.
notti boi always takes over my bed. wuwuwuwuw... :~
he still try to find u every night in our room leh.
darryl : ya emailing wouldn't b a prob...
nicole : used to b his bed when u were away la..
chemical : -.-
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