i walked back.. prepare soup and the soup is ready at bout 11.30 .. quite sleepy.. i watched tv till bout 2 and started to sleep till 7pm.. it has been quite a long time since i last slept like that.. but i still feel sleepy.. >.< i love to sleep...
and now it's 10 pm.. and i've been in this cc since 8 pm.. i just can't seem to b able to skip my saturday routine of playing this "knight online" altho sometimes the game gets quite irritating because of the frequent disconnection and some retard freaks who're not very pleasant n well mannered...
this saturday has been a very lazy day for me...
sleeping gamer beauty grrl
... somehow that didn't sound right... when can I taste your ABC soup?
get out of KO already!
come join me in WoW!!
Noticeably, all female online gamers are HOT!!! Don't you reckon? ;)
v0ices : xD easy to make oni.. ABC soup... tomato + potato + carrot + large onions + some ginger + (chicken or boiled salted egg) + salt and pepper..
hater : WoW is expensive and laggy lar.. n den me no character to play there.. dowan to start as a noobie...
darryl : me no hot xD..
my baby quitting too? wuhooo ... but I cant play much not due to the lag or login problem, new commitment hehehe ...
snow : errm not 100% quit yet.. until there's a buyer.. if sold.. bye bye.. frustrated with the server liao..
darrenz : i'm still using it.. hope to get a new buyer asap
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