Sunday, January 08, 2006

The MalaySiaN FoOd pt 2 - SnaCKs

the muruku is a traditional indian snack.. it's crunchy, crispy, spicy and tasty with indian herbs and spices..

the egg rolls is traditionally made by the chinese for chinese new year.. it's made of flour, margerine, sugar and coconut milk.. it's prepared with charcoal...

Both the snacks r superb!


Kampungkai said...

OMG... muruku! love letters! my favourite! Feel like tearing down my screen now, drooling!

How come they can make the muruku so perfectly round, following the circle? my mum can't do it, it will be like zick-zack here and there instead.

Anonymous said...

You're all gonna get fat eating these. :P

I never did like muruku, a bit too bland for me.

As for love letters, they taste OK after a while but eating a bit too much of em will make you sieeennn.

Francis Ho said...

OMG! I love egg rolls!

Alicia said...

tom : first one is nice.. 2nd one.. it's just a plain one.. but tastes as good..

kampungkai : the muruku must be made into that shape then onli fried to appear round round xD

darrenz : yaya

shadowfox : ya love letters will b abit sian after a while eating it..

fh2o : they're yummy.. i prefer love letters over kuih kapit :P

Chen said...

love letters = huruf cinta? :D
the new name for kuih kapit :D
The last time I ate it is during CNY 2005..
so fast one year passed liao..